Upstream Events: Ann Miura-Ko from Floodgate, Zach Sims from Codecademy, Avery Hartmans from Business Insider, and more!

8 min readFeb 1, 2021


Hey all -

Welcome to the 14th month of 2020…

Last week the Upstream Book Club led by Nikki Bogopolskaya and Danielle Mantich kicked off with a fantastic first meeting. This month we’re reading No Filter: The Inside Story of Instagram by Bloomberg’s Sarah Frier who will be making a special guest appearance on Wednesday, February 24th at 6pm ET (time may change). Join us!

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Win of the Week: Have you gotten hired, fundraising, a life-changing intro, or made a new modern friend? Share your Upstream win with Alex/Sarah to get featured! We’ll pick one a week to spotlight.

This week we are celebrating Mike Gelb and how he has built a thriving community with 6 months of dedicated effort and a clear vision.. We were deeply touched by Mike’s story of growing his community from 2 to 470 members, fueling the flywheel for his tremendous podcast, The Consumer VC. Join him for his event with Betsy Fore, Co-CEO Tiny Organics this Thursday at 4pm ET.

New Feature Alert: Viewer-Only Mode

While we believe the 1x1 video breakouts are part of the Upstream secret sauce, we recognize they aren’t for everyone, all the time. When you don’t feel comfortable or able to do the video breakouts, you can attend the event in Viewer-Only mode.

No one knows you opted to view the event only. You can choose to stay in the audio lobby or leave the event. This is the first of many accessibility features on our product roadmap to ensure that our platform is inclusive to all who want to use it.


Reminder: Open the links below from your phone.

You’ll see the event line-up below is a bit easier to read — h/t Bridget Martinez for the formatting suggestion!

MONDAY the 1st

Evening: 5pm — 8pm EST

TUESDAY the 2nd

Evening: 5pm — 8pm EST


Afternoon: 12pm — 5pm EST

Evening: 5pm — 8pm EST

THURSDAY the 4th

Morning: 8am — 12pm EST

Afternoon: 12pm — 5pm EST

Evening: 5pm — 8pm EST

Friday the 5th

Morning: 8am — 12pm EST

Afternoon: 12pm — 5pm EST

Notable Upcoming


Reminder: Open the links below from your phone.

MONDAY the 1st

Morning: 8am — 12pm EST

Afternoon: 12pm — 5pm EST

Evening: 5pm — 8pm EST

TUESDAY the 2nd

Morning: 8am — 12pm EST

Afternoon: 12pm — 5pm EST

Evening: 5pm — 8pm EST


Morning: 8am — 12pm EST

Afternoon: 12pm — 5pm EST

Evening: 5pm — 11:30pm EST

THURSDAY the 4th

Morning: 8am — 12pm EST

Afternoon: 12pm — 5pm EST

Evening: 5pm — 8pm EST

FRIDAY the 5th

Morning: 8am — 12pm EST

Afternoon: 12pm — 5pm EST

Evening: 5pm — 8pm EST

SATURDAY the 6th

Morning: 8am — 12pm EST

Afternoon: 12pm — 5pm EST

Evening: 5pm — 8pm EST

If you have any friends you think might like the events above, share the link with them so they can RSVP and join!

Can’t wait to see you at an event!





Written by Upstream

Upstream is the best way to grow your professional network. Find us at

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